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Informationen/Studien rund um die nasale Inhalation
ATO Info: Nebulized Antibiotics by Sonic Aerosoltherapies in Mangement of Chronic Rhinosinusitis (CRS)
Experience of 3 French Reference Centers for PCD, Créteil, Necker, Robert Debré, members of the network group RESPIRARE, in bacteriological and radiological characteristics
and management of CRS.
ATO-Info: Vernebelte Antibiotika durch Schallaerosoltherapien bei chronischer Rhinosinusitis (CRS)
Erfahrung von 3 französischen Referenzzentren für PCD, Créteil, Necker, Robert Debré, Mitglieder der Netzwerkgruppe RESPIRARE, in bakteriologischen und radiologischen Merkmalen und Management von CRS.
ATO -Info Nebulized Antibiotics by Sonic Aerosoltherapies ......
Leitlinie zur nasalen Inhalation:
Französische Leitlinien zur nasalen Inhalation mit 100 Hz Schallvibration mit dem Pureneb Aerosonic+
Some devices have additional functions to enhance upper air-way deposition. The sonic function adds a sound-wave to theaerosol to improve maxillary sinus penetration and deposition.Studies on the operating principles of these devices go back tothe 1950s: the principle is to induce acoustic hyperpressure inthe ostium, displacing the air and aerosol toward the maxillarysinuses. Several in-vitro studies on models of varying sophistica-tion demonstrated the benefit of introducing sound [12–14], butonly very recently has it been demonstrated in humans, in scinti-graphic studies [10,15,16]. Sinus deposition is 3–5-fold greater [17]than with a nebulizer without sonic boost.The manosonic function is a derivative of this sonic function,adding hyperpressure to create positive pressure in the nasal cavi-ties; this is automatically applied in the nose at the exact momentof swallowing, so as to transfer the aerosol toward the Eustachiantube. Systems with this extra function are known as manosonicaerosol generators.
Guideline 2
Nebulizers with additional sonic vibration are recom-mended in rhinosinus pathology. Ultrasonic aerosols aresuitable for bronchopulmonary pathology. Strong agreement.
Guideline 3
Nasal plugs are to be preferred. Mouth end-pieces arereserved to laryngeal and bronchopulmonary applications.Strong agreement.
Guideline 4
Oro-nasal masks cause deposition on the face and withinthe oral cavity and should be reserved to patients unable touse a nasal plug. Strong agreement.
Studie: "Effect of Three-Drug Delivery Modalities on Olfactory Function in Chronic Sinusitis"
Background: Olfactory dysfunction is deemed to be a significant contributor to poor quality of life in chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS).
Objective: To assess and to compare the effectiveness of three modalities of corticosteroids administration in patients with CRS.
Study Design: A prospective randomized controlled study
Conclusion: Effectiveness of sonic nebulized and oral administration is demonstrated on orthonasal olfactory. The clinical benefit is better than with nasal spray.
Level of Evidence: 1b.
Studie: "In Vitro Study of Sonic Aerosol to Maxillary Sinuses Treatment"
Aerosols are widely use in rhinology in France. However, in contrast with pneumology, the international literature contains very few reports of scientific and clinical studies in this field. Furthermore, no studies have hitherto demonstrated the efficiency of aerosol therapy in ENT pathologies. A first step was carrried out to determine the optimal sound frequency and a second step was carried out to test the optimized sound on an aerosol of gentamicin in a platinated head model.
Studie: "Effect of 100 Hz sonic vibration combined to oscillatory pressure"
In a pilot study conducted at the University of South Carolina Medical School, the effect of a new device to reduce nasal congestion was tested. The device combines a gentle self guided oscillating expiratory resistance (Flutter) to an acoustic vibration, approximately 128 Hz, similar to the Sonic vibration produced by the Aerosonic+ nebulizer.
Nasal congestion is common, burdensome, and costly. Current treatments are limited by partial/ temporary relief and untoward side-effects. The goal of this study was to evaluate the performance of a novel, non-pharmacologic nasal device designed to reduced nasal congestion via simultaneous administration of acoustic vibration and gentle oscillating expiratory pressure.
Einsatz vernebelter Salzlösung in Theorie und Praxis
Die Inhalation isotoner und hyptertoner Salzlösungen (IS; HS) wird in den Leitlinien bei verschiedenen Atemwegserkrankungen als unterstützende Therapie empfohlen. Während HS (3-7%) eher zur Mobilisierung von festsitzendem Schleim bei schweren Erkrankungen (Mukoviszidose (CF), Bronchiektasen (BE)) eingesetzt werden soll, wird IS hauptsächlich in der Atemphysiotherapie erwähnt.
Studie: Follow-Up and Management of Chronic Rhinosinusitis in Adults with Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia
Follow-Up and Management of Chronic Rhinosinusitis in Adults with Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia:
Review and Experience of Our Reference Centers
Follow-up und Management von chronischen Rhinosinusitis bei Erwachsenen mit primärer Ziliarerkrankung
Dyskinesie: Rückblick und Erfahrung unserer Referenzzentren
Zusammenfassung: Chronische Rhinosinusitis ist die häufigste Manifestation bei erwachsenen Patienten mit primärer Ziliardyskinesie (PCD).
Wir präsentieren eine retrospektive Serie von 41 erwachsenen Patienten mit einer bestätigten PCD-Diagnose, die in unseren Referenzzentren verfolgt wird. Im Rahmen der diagnostischen Arbeit in unseren Zentren werden Sinus-Computertomographien (CTs) systematisch durchgeführt. Alle Patienten werden außerdem einer Probenahme von eitrigen Sekreten unterzogen, die aus dem mittleren Gehörgang unter endoskopischer Betrachtung zur bakteriologischen Analyse entnommen wurden